Brainvire Supports Enterprises Conquer Conversion Commerce Via Powerful CRM Implementation

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has always been a crucial subject amongst the enterprise owners and key business decision makers. Having in-depth knowledge of trending CRM tools, Brainvire supported a larger number of companies to determine growth strategies via integrating CRM with their systems.

Mr. Chintan Shah, Owner, and CEO, Brainvire says, “Having a significant presence in the digital marketing world, we understand the importance of customer preferences and data transparency. Our integrated CRM solutions helped organizations empower the sales and marketing channels towards generating leads and converting to business.

Brainvire Holds The Vast Experience of CRM Implementation Towards Lead Generation and Conversion

Since ecommerce revolves around customer tendencies, it’s now inevitable to understand what customer does and wants from the market. Moving on to the customer engagement, an industry that fetches the proper customer details through various channels and strengthens the workforce with various statistics and reports stays ahead in the competition. Let’s know how Brainvire outdoes in CRM:

  • Brainvire holds a decade of experience in major CRM tools such as ORO CRM, Suite CRM, Sugar CRM, and Microsoft Dynamics.
  • Brainvire has achieved excellence in synchronizing Magento orders, products, inventory, and quotes. In addition to that, Brainvire has mastered in crafting and integrating the modules such as cart abandonment, order survey, Magento tier price, order placement and much more.
  • Brainvire developed CRM has empowered Marketing teams to target the customer, run campaigns to attract them, tracking customers and finally getting leads from the interesting.
  • The sales team received ample support in terms of a full-fledged portal to follow up the leads, generating potential contacts, sending quotes to them and also, placing orders on behalf of the customers.
  • Customer support module has helped business to send post sales offers, automatic updates and take feedback from the customers.

Brainvire Has Crafted Robust CRM Implementations for the Diverse Industry Verticals

The diversified industry sectors took massive benefits of implementing CRM solutions to their systems through Brainvire. Here three examples are shared: A US-based furniture giant and inflatable supplier noted a boost in the customer base after integrated with CRM solutions. Their business succeeded in cultivating more customer relationship after equipped with proper data analytics followed by strategic planning to attract buyer persona.

The UAE based multidivisional conglomerate with a group of companies experienced the end to end streamlined business across retail, real estate, industrial and other groups. This helped the client in determining the clear-cut strategies for the business growth in each sector.

With the strong foothold on eCommerce development services & ecommerce CRM, Brainvire has delivered robust and money making CRM solutions to many businesses for their growing needs.

Brainvire Doesn’t Follow Convention, it Brings Innovation Everywhere, Including CRM!

The methods to know the customer feedbacks are limitless. Brainvire doesn’t get strained implementing them. Instead of an offline system, recently, Brainvire developers developed an in-CRM survey utility that sends the survey form (equipped with imperative questionnaire) to the customer once the order is completed. With the survey data, the utility generates the order survey report with appropriate and clear graphical representation. This helps decision makers leaning through a window where the business is heading and what’s lacking towards improvement.

In addition to the same, Brainvire crafted in-CRM ticket management system that registers customer issue, assign to relevant person and sends each and every update to the customer. Once the issue is resolved, a survey form is again sent to the customer. Usually, all such systems are offline in the most enterprises, Brainvire brought all these under the roof of CRM.

About Brainvire

With 16+ years of deep development experience, 500+ clients across the world, 1300+ successful projects, and 3 back to back accolades from B2B research company Clutch, Brainvire has marked its footprints on the world of IT solutions. In the arena of CRM implementation, Brainvire’s excellence in both conventional CRM and eCommerce CRM has brought the leap in revenue generation for N number of overseas clients till now.

Industry Tags:

  • Product launch

Subject Tags:

  • AuroCRM

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