10 Most Preferred Analytical Tools To Improve Your Business Analysis

  • Technology

  • Published On March 21, 2022

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The new-age businesses are comparatively more complex and challenging to manage manually than earlier. With most of the statistics available in digital formats, there is a constant need to analyze them rapidly and accurately.

Image Source: Why Change Consulting Inc

As digital enablers, we recommend using advanced analytical tools and analysis that can assist you in investing time in analysis rather than accumulating resources. This way, you can improve your marketing analytical and decision-making capabilities and amplify your business prospects.

As an entrepreneur, you should be aware of the following:

What Is Business Analysis?

The business analysis in any industry defines the business need and presents adapted solutions to meet technological developments. In most firms, business analysis is important in the long run to solve future problems.

Besides these tasks, the process involves changing organizational structures, improvement processes, and policy. The Business Analyst is the person performing these jobs.

A good business analyst can guide you with the right business analyst tools to enhance the website and business performance. We assign a specific business analyst for a particular project.

Our certified business analysts know how the right tool influences business processes and business analysis techniques.

The ability of a business analyst to work for your company can prove invaluable. Business studies can help increase returns on investment and reduce costs on initial requirements. Business analysis may also help improve business decisions, providing a framework for business process analysis and forecasting future problems.

To make your task more accessible, we have discussed a few popular business analysis that can offer quick and accurate analysis:

  • SWOT Analysis
  • MOST Analysis
  • PEST Analysis
  • MosCow
  • VPEC-T Analysis
  • Heptalysis
  • Catwoe
  • De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats
  • Five Whys
  • SCRS Analysis

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is primarily used to evaluate your company’s external and internal parameters. This business analysis solution is used during the initial marketing stage to design and implement new plans.

Four key elements, strength, weakness, opportunities, and potential threats, are considered to complete the analysis. Strength and weakness are counted as internal factors that you can control. On the contrary, threats and opportunities are considered external factors as they are variable and rely on external activities.

MOST Analysis

This business analysis solution is preferably used to perform internal analysis and determine whether your business has the right workflow. MOST- stands for Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics.

This business analysis solution is preferred for internal analysis, where entrepreneurs can want to lead their business, the goal they want to attain, roadmap towards their purpose, and how to execute the same.

PEST Analysis

The term PEST represents political, economic, sociological, and lastly technological analysis. This method is primarily used to determine the influence of the outside factors on the firm’s performance.

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During this business analysis tactic, you can come across varied external elements that can impact your business indirectly or directly. We have shared the potential information with which this analysis can assist your business:

  • Political: During this analysis, you better understand your current and future market situations. This understanding can be used to determine your firm’s workflow.
  • Economical: A detailed financial analysis helps you visualize global and local concerns at scale.
  • Sociological: Analysis of sociological factors provides insights into customer demands and community trending topics. This will assist you in the decision-making process, and you can make better decisions in a short time.
  • Technological: It is important to stay updated with different technologies suitable for your business or used in the industry. This way, you can leverage the latest technologies for your business, use automated processes, and match the fast pace required to be a market leader.


You can use this business analysis strategy to prioritize tasks correctly and effectively manage all business tasks. First, list all your tasks, analyze them, and then decide which tasks to complete first based on the shared deadline.

During this analysis, you should be mindful of these factors: Must have, Should have, Could have, and, lastly, won’t have.

VPEC-T Analysis

This business analysis strategy is best suited when observing different expectations and considering multiple opinions on a particular system. The name represents values, policies, events, content, and trust.

Image Source: Pinterest

We have elaborated them further:

  • Values: At this stage, members are asked to share their opinions about beliefs, goals, and existing problems, regardless of their department and the type of issue.
  • Policies: This element helps decide the scalability of initiatives that can be executed.
  • Events: Once you can get clarity on policies, the next step is to align them in the right order.
  • Content: Make sure that you use relatable and appropriate content for your business.
  • Trust: Your audience and internal team’s trust has a key role in your businesses’ success.

It is important to determine what you are looking for before using this business analysis for your firm. This way, you won’t be aimless during the business analysis process; besides, you can successfully find the right solution to your business problem.


When you launch your business, you can use a model to understand and assess your key factors. Then, the research is completed with an analysis of seven fundamental factors; market scope, service or product, implementation plan, economical engine, workforce, potential outcome, and margin of safety.


This business analysis strategy helps people by forcing them to think creatively and innovatively.

To be successful in today’s business world, it is not enough to have the best ideas and brilliant strategies or the best products. You must also think creatively and strategically to grow your business.

Image Source: FourWeekMBA

This strategy helps you to think out of the box. This analytical tool can help develop new marketing programs, create compelling content, and position the company as a leader in your industry.

It has six essential factors: customers, actors, transformation process, world view, owners, and environmental constraints.

De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats

This method is most suitable for problem-solving; it’s helpful to identify budding ideas for your business but frequently doesn’t provide specific implementation steps.

This business analysis strategy can be used during the brainstorming process to generate dynamic ideas and evaluate them to shortlist the most suitable option. But, perhaps, this analytical tool limits people from thinking in particular directions.

De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats is incomplete in the absence of these six moods: pure and logical facts, emotions, creativity, negativity, positivity, and the ability to connect.

Five Whys

When you’re faced with big problems, you need to focus. If you can’t concentrate, it’s impossible to get the job done.

The most important thing is to get a general overview of your problems and the direction you plan to take. This will allow you to allocate your time more effectively and help prevent unwanted distractions.

Image Source: Kanbanize

Use a business analysis solution to figure out the real issues in your business. Getting a general overview of your problems will allow you to allocate your time more effectively.

SCRS Analysis

SCRS is an important business analysis solution for the business analyst to help your company identify the best solutions. With SCRS, you can also identify the existing state of your business and where you’re headed in the future.

The acronym represents four steps of the process: strategy, your current state, different requirements, and the solution.

Alongside this business analysis, you need an advanced analytical tool that can simplify the decision-making process for you. But, before you choose a tool, it is necessary to know what these tools are and their significance.

What Are Business Analytics Tools?

Business analysts use several business analytics tools to collect data quantitatively or qualitatively from different business systems and store these in a storage environment. In this way, analysts could examine data to make smarter decisions.

Image Source: Software Advice

Many businesses utilize business analytics tools, including statistical tools, prediction models, and data mining tools. The application provides an overview of important data that improves business operations’ efficiency, productivity, and profitability.

Importance of Using Business Analytics Tools

Business analytics tools are a type of software that is constantly evolving and has provided considerable leaps in making decisions. These insights allow you to become more efficient and will enable you to optimize your strategies.

We have shared a few advantages on Business Analytics:

  • Better Decision Making: Analytics are becoming crucial for modern businesses. They help evaluate data, decide which insights work best for your company, and bring more profit.
  • Personalized Customer Experience: You can analyze customer interactions on your website and use this data to improve your website’s performance. You can prompt customers with a push notification when they shop from your website and improve customer loyalty.
  • Identify Frauds: You can use data to identify fraudulent purchases, use predictive analytics to look at customer profiles, and gauge the level of risk. The use of business analytics tools can make this process convenient.
  • Reduced Employee Turnover: You tend to lose a significant amount of money upfront. Your HR team can use analytics tools to evaluate the possibility of an employee aligning with a company’s culture, track their growth and satisfaction with their role, and other factors. Once you know the answer to these questions, it will be convenient to identify long-term employees in your company.
  • Survive Through Uncertainty: Many companies are struggling because of the global economic crisis and waiting for the economy to return to normal. Business analytics can assist you to overcome hurdles in the process, implement crisis management solutions, and others.
  • All these modern business challenges make it necessary to invest in business analytics.

Here are a few popular business tools that you can invest in:

SAS Business Analyst

The SAS-based business analytics software allows users to analyze unorganized text data effectively. In addition, it brings relevant information to your analysis that others may not have discovered.

Image Source: SAS Visual Analytics | SAS

SAS has a suite of high-end analytical software tools, which allows you to address your analytics needs fully. The business analytics platform also offers predictive forecasts that help your company quickly make future decisions.


Board features on the list of top-rated business analyst software tools because of its industry-leading business analytics model. Board offers interactive and intuitive reports & dashboards that are perfect for merchants and brand owners who need to get well prepared in relation to their market.

Image Source: Professional Advantage

Business analytics has never been more straightforward! We provide you with the best tools for your business, giving you access to valuable data to help you better analyze and make decisions.

Board offers a business analytics tool that can manage lots of data and help you generate accurate forecasts. In addition, it’s interactive, so it’s easy to manipulate the data yourself.


QlikView is one of the most popular tools for business analytics, in large part because of its unique features, such as patented technology and in-memory processing, which helps deliver reports for ultra-fast delivery.

If your company runs a business analyst tool on the market, QlikView is an efficient and cost-effective option. With its innovative data visualization, users can be much more accurate and focused in their exploration.


Sisense has powerful text analysis functionalities that allow users to extract value from their unstructured text.

Sisense uses open-source language in its proprietary analytics platform, relying on computational statistics. As a result, Sisense allows the user to perform innovative analysis, visualization, and forecasting of complex data to better understand what the future will bring for your business.


This analytics software can easily read large amounts of unstructured text data and extract valuable insights. With this tool, your company can adapt quickly to any type of change.

One of the newest pieces of business analytics software, Microstrategy, provides features that help you predict trends and give you other tools for analyzing third-party data in real-time.

Image Source: MicroStrategy

Your software has made it easy for your employees to share and create reports anywhere and on any device. The content is engaging, with plenty of graphics along the way.


Splunk is one of the most widely used business analytics tools in small and medium-scale industries. It was first launched for processing machine log file data but has had a lot of sophisticated features over the years, including a user-friendly interface.


In 2004, a team of expert software engineers designed the KNIME business analytics platform.

KNIME is one of the best high-performance business analyst software that boasts a unique data-pipelining approach that facilitates machine learning and data mining. In addition, it supports various features for analysis, visual programming, and out-of-memory.

TIBCO Spotfire

TIBCO Spotfire is a software company that offers robust and automated analytics solutions. It can handle data-intensive reports and analysis, which, as a result, can help you solve business problems.

Image Source: Solutions Review

TIBCO has released its latest upgrade of the Spotfire platform with significant improvements in scalability, statistical analysis capabilities, and capacity to analyze text-based unstructured data.

Dundas BI

The Dundas BI offers excellent analytics solutions focusing on R, an industry-approved programming language that is well-supported.

Dundas BI has built the ability to provide automated analytics and help you search through your data quickly. Access powerful visualizations from a high-level dashboard that lets you explore your data and make insights rapidly.

It is time to reach experts to understand better the best data visualization tool suitable for your business.

Tableau Big Data Analytics

Experts say that Tableau is a must-have tool for anyone who deals with data analytics. Its customizable features can provide users with fun and interactive progressions in their work.

Image Source: Tableau

Tableau’s business analytics platform allows users to do an in-depth analysis of social media networks and predict patterns based on existing and historical data. It is a highly versatile tool that could be used across various departments, including marketing, finance, shipping, sales, and support.

Take Away

Different business analysis tools are likely to enter the market as businesses evolve. These business solutions may have a specific purpose and may direct you to better project management. In addition, they can assist you in developing a better business strategy and processes required for your firm.

Alongside this data analysis and use of business data, it is important to approach the right people for guidance. They can directly implement the right business analyst tools and strategize them for your organization. This will help you to understand customer wants and meet them effectively. 

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