Magento 2 Is Feature Packed With New Opportunities For Ecommerce Development

Magento 2 is specially built to provide for the unique ecommerce needs of enterprise class businesses and provide greater scalability and higher performance as well as modularity. It is built on a new and modern technology stack and is known to integrate well with third party solutions and Magento Extensions. Partners and merchants will experience faster deployments and simplified upgrades.

Here is what Magento 2 will offer businesses:
Magento 2 has an updated technology stack

  • jQuery and the latest version of PHP was added to Magento 2 Migration offering developers with better opportunities for implementing Magento Solutions.

  • jQuery – This is a client side JavaScript library that is designed to simplify the client side scripting of HTML. The use of jQuery makes Magento 2 more accessible and it allows the use of additional plug ins too.

  • HTML 5 – Due to the use of HTML 5, all themes that are available out of the box will now be responsive and mobile compatible.

  • CSS 3 – Magento 2’s reference theme is based in CSS3 and provides a well defined starting point for front end projects.

  • RequireJS – RequireJS library helps load JS resources on demand and helps improve page load times.

  • PHP – Magento 2 supports PHP 5 and PHP 5.4.11 as the minimum requirements. This makes your Magento store more efficient and the performance is improved.

  • MySQL – Support for MySQL 5.6 is added in Magento 2 and this makes your site more fast and scalable.

  • PSR Compliance – This standardizes the use of PHP.

Customization Process is streamlined

  • Modular code – reduces cross module dependencies, so that developers can make changes without impacting other areas of the code.

  • Search improvements – modularized search is included to customize search functions.

  • Integration with external systems – Enhanced APIs in Magento 2 help integration with external systems.

  • XML Validation – This helps streamline and standardize the code.

Frontend Development

  • Separation of business logic – this makes it possible for developers to modify the look and feel of the website without having to change any functionality.

  • CSS Pre Processor – This makes CSS more maintainable and extensible without having to maintain separate source files.

  • Blank Theme – A blank theme is added to make it easy to get started with Magento development services.

  • Magento UI Library – Magento 2 contains a built in set of generic web components with support for responsive design etc.

Upgrade Efforts and Costs Reduced

Magento 2 installation and upgrade is greatly simplified and Magento Extension developers can add version compatibilities in greater details with this new version.

Performance Improvement and Scalability

Performance in Magento 2 is improved with new indexers and faster query processors. It has out of the box integration with the Varnish Cache and hence performance is improved. Content from static pages is cached and these pages load faster improving the over all performance.


Testing – Magento 2 includes a series of testing scripts that are prepackaged for unit testing, integration testing and functional as well as performance criteria. Hence manual testing efforts are reduced and better quality products can be developed with greater ease.
To sum it up…….
Magento 2 is better and looks definitely promising for building flexible, scalable, standardized and highly effective ecommerce websites from e commerce web development company.

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  • Insights

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